Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 2010

Another month, another time. We here in Mississippi are surrounded with OIL.Yes, an oil spill that has made world news. Maybe the biggest yet. And they can't find a way to cap it off. The biggest man made disaster yet. First, Katrina and now this spill. Wow, what is the Gulf Coast coming to? Well, we still have our gambling!

April was busy with Birthdays. Mainly, Katie turned 2. The kids grow so fast. I can't wait to see her in July. She looks like such an active and inquisitive young lady.
Her mother says she remembers everything that she is told(and things she shouldn't remember) Such a cutie.

Maleah quietly turned 9. She is growing up very fast. Her Dad rented a movie for her and a friend and they had a quiet evening at home while it tormented them with rain. The next day Nashville was flooded. Bobby just made it home to Portland with Maleah so she could have a family party. In the meantime it rained more and they almost closed all of Nashville while the rivers flooded the city.

This month we have Randy's birthday and a few other relatives...Bob, Monica, Mike C and more important...William Putnam Smith will be born at the end of the month. That's right, Randy will be a Grandpa again. Finally, a boy will appear. We hope that things go well with Becky. Not sure how Ella Grace will react to a baby, especially a brother.

Randy is just home from spending a couple weeks in Louin with family business. He was missed by me and his friendly birds. Glad to have you home Randy.
All for now, I will try to post a few more pics.