Friday, November 4, 2011

November 2011

The first day of school is over and Halloween , I do have some pictures, and here we are in the first of November.  Sarah had baby Cooper right smack in the middle of Halloween at 6:15PM. No pictures yet, but let's get them settled first.
Randy's Mom and Dad celebrated their 63rd Wedding Anniversary and I hear Anne and Dan Madsen celebrated their 40th. Congratulations!
Randy and I made a trip to Newton and spent an afternoon with his parents. Lavon had a Birthday, plus the Anniversary. Randy's sister and husband Bill brought a cake. Betty and Lavon certainly seemed to enjoy it.
Today Randy's son and wife, Becky are coming this way to celebrate their 7th Anniversary.
Good grief...a lot of activity this month.
The kids are all busy in school and then we will be getting ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas...Wow, they sure come up fast.
We are doing fine here in Diamondhead.  Randy is cleaning up his summer plants and planting some winter crops of cabbage and broccoli. He has some onion sets and we are still getting okra and the last of the cucumbers and green beans. The weather has been nice, no rain and mostly in the 70's.
I will post a few pictures, but please let me know if you have any questions???

Til next month, bye for now.........